What You Need to Know about Debt Service Coverage Ratio

1.2 Understanding Debt Service Coverage Ratio After Madam Mary’s outburst at Tolu for his bad credit report, (read about it here) he walked away sad and drowned himself in his thoughts. “How did Madam Mary know about my debts? It’s not a big deal. He was only eating Iya Abeke’s food on Credit and had […]
Your Beginner Guide to Building Strong Credit!

1.1 Credit and Credit Reports Before we get started, let’s simplify credit. Imagine Tolu, a teacher who works hard at a school next to Iya Abeke’s food place. Every day, Tolu eats lunch there. Sometimes he pays right away, but other times, Iya Abeke lets him pay later. Since May started, Tolu hasn’t been able […]
Fintech an integral part of Non-Interest Banking

” Universal access to financial services is within reach—thanks to new technologies, transformative business models and ambitious reforms… As early as 2020, such instruments as e-commerce platforms, alternate channels, e-money accounts, debit cards and low-cost regular bank accounts significantly increased financial access for those who were excluded. ”  Fintech is the combination of financial services with digitization. Fintech, shortened […]